July 16, 2024

The Power of Development Days

Adam Hayman

At Brave Little Beast, we believe in constantly evolving and improving—not just for our clients, but for ourselves as well. That's why, since 2019, we've dedicated one day each quarter to something we call Development Days. These are special days where we put aside client work to focus on the growth and betterment of our agency. It’s a time for reflection, innovation, and team bonding.

What Are Development Days?

Development Days are a cornerstone of our culture here at Brave Little Beast. They are quarterly events where our entire team steps back from the hustle and bustle of client projects to work on the agency itself for a full day. These days begin with a team breakfast where we kick things off with a "State of the Agency" discussion. We review our progress toward internal and financial goals, discuss upcoming projects, new initiatives, and potential new hires. It's a time for leadership to openly share how things are going and set a vision for the future.

One of our favorite exercises during breakfast is something we learned from Chris McAlister over at SightShift. It’s called "Right, Wrong, Missing, and Confused." This open forum allows everyone in the agency to voice what, from their perspective, is going well, what’s not, what’s missing, and what’s unclear. It’s a fantastic way to ensure everyone’s voice is heard and to table any big topics for deeper discussions later in the day.

From Ideas to Implementation

After breakfast, we head back to the office to dive into those deeper discussions and start working on internal projects. These projects range from updating our Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to creating new tools that enhance our processes. For instance, during a recent Development Day, we spent some time streamlining our client questionnaires. Previously, different departments had their own sets of questions, leading to repetition and even a little frustration for our clients who spend a lot of valuable time filling them out. While all of the information those questionnaires give us is necessary, we knew there had to be a better way of collecting that information. By the end of the day, we had a more elegant and efficient solution that will make future projects run smoother.

Sometimes the ideas generated during our morning discussions lead to immediate action. For example, on one Development Day someone brought up the fact that they wished we had a simpler way to price website projects. Web projects can be incredibly complex, so it can take the better part of a day to come up with an accurate figure that takes into account all the variables. We brainstormed the idea for a bit and our developer jumped straight into creating an MVP version of it. By the end of the day, we had a new internal tool ready for testing, which has since formalized our pricing model and created a system that allows us to plug in the unique details of a website project and receive a baseline price.

The Benefits of Development Days

The benefits of Development Days are immense, both culturally and logistically. Culturally, these days ensure each team member has a chance to impact the agency and take ownership over our journey. Nothing is sacred at Brave Little Beast. If anyone in the company has an idea for a better way of doing things, we want to hear about it. Development Days provide a dedicated time for each team member to contribute ideas and work on projects that might otherwise be pushed aside due to client priorities.

Logistically, Development Days ensure that we are always refining and enhancing our processes. They give us the opportunity to address and implement new ideas regularly, ensuring that we never stand still as an agency. Every quarter, we come away with innovative solutions and improvements that keep us ahead of the curve.

The Impact on Client Work

While Development Days are focused on internal improvement, they have a direct and positive impact on our client work as well. The insights and innovations generated during these days often lead to more efficient processes, higher quality deliverables, and better client experiences.

For instance, the streamlined client questionnaires we developed during a Development Day have significantly improved our onboarding process. By reducing redundancy and creating a more user-friendly format, we have made it easier for clients to provide the information we need. This has led to smoother project kickoffs and more successful outcomes.

Building a Better Agency

Our team loves Development Days because they offer a break from the norm and a chance to focus on how we can better serve our clients and ourselves. The open and honest discussions foster a sense of ownership and pride in our work. Everyone is encouraged to bring their ideas to the table, knowing that nothing is off-limits and that every suggestion is valued.

One of the key aspects of Development Days is the collaborative environment they create. These days provide a unique opportunity for team members from different departments to come together and share their perspectives. This cross-functional collaboration often leads to innovative solutions that might not have been possible in a typical workday setting.

In addition to team bonding, Development Days also provide an opportunity for personal growth. By stepping away from client work and focusing on internal projects, team members can develop new skills and expand their knowledge. This personal development not only benefits the individual but also enhances the overall capabilities of our agency.

Looking Ahead

Development Days are a key part of making Brave Little Beast the best it can be. They help us reset, align on our goals, and take meaningful steps toward continuous improvement. We’re excited to see where the next Development Day takes us and what new innovations it will bring.

We believe that the success of our agency is directly tied to the growth and development of our team. By investing in Development Days, we are investing in our future. These days provide a platform for creativity, collaboration, and growth that drives our agency forward.

As we look ahead, we are excited to continue refining and expanding our Development Day initiatives. We are constantly looking for new ways to improve and innovate, and Development Days are an essential part of that process. Whether it’s developing new tools, refining our processes, or simply taking the time to connect as a team, these days are invaluable to our success.